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경기도 광명시 소하로 190, 12층 비1216-50(소하동, 광명G타워)
전화번호 : 010-3284-6979 (11:00 ~ 16:00) , 주말 / 공휴일 휴무
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AR is not Just for gaming – It will revolutionize HEALTHCARE.
What if AR could help you save a stranger's life, or even help a stranger save yours?
Imagine if your doctor could see inside your body and treat you more precisely than ever before, even from halfway across the world.
What if your nurse could predict the warning signs of a medical emergency with just one glance?
Augmented Reality is set to transform healthcare, enhancing precision, predictive abilities, and life-saving potential. Dr. Atul Gupta, in this video showcases how AR is leading us into the future of medical care.
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