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아마란스 | 682-53-00808 | 제2023-수원권선-0773호
출판사 신고번호 : 제 2023-000074호
경기도 광명시 소하로 190, 12층 비1216-50(소하동, 광명G타워)
전화번호 : 010-3284-6979 (11:00 ~ 16:00) , 주말 / 공휴일 휴무
이 메 일 : sales@amarans.co.kr
입금계좌 : 카카오뱅크, 아마란스, 3333-26-7731937
SoftFoot Pro: The Motorless Flexible Artificial Foot
The SoftFoot Pro is an innovative prosthetic foot designed by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) to closely replicate the anatomy and biomechanics of the human foot. This motorless and flexible prosthetic aims to provide enhanced mobility, stability, and comfort for individuals with limb loss.
Key Features
Clinical and Robotic Applications
The SoftFoot Pro represents a significant advancement in prosthetic technology, offering a more natural and adaptable solution for people with limb loss. Its ability to mimic the human foot's biomechanics and improve stability on challenging surfaces makes it a promising innovation in both prosthetics and robotics.
바로가기 (새창) : https://youtu.be/S3zQIz-owvE
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